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Looking for hot porn? Crazy proggies to
rule the world with? Perhaps the Anarchist's Cookbook? Well, this isn't the
place for you then! For those of you who do not care for those things,
welcome! If this site doesn't meet up to your expectations or standards, too bad, so
sad! I'm not the person who's here to please you. This site is basically
something I do for fun. If there are things you'd LIKE to see on my site, please
let me know, but I won't promise anything.
I've only had this site up for a while now. I won't call myself a web-master, but I
do take pride in my work. If you want your link on my site, just drop me an e-mail
and I'll see what I can do for you. Be nice and sign my one ever
signs those things now-a-days...what's with that?! C'mon, I sign them, don't leave
me feeling stupid! = ) I've made all the graphics and backgrounds to this site
unless I've stated otherwise, and you're welcome to take whatever you want. I also
might be willing to make you something if you ask. I use Macromedia's Fireworks
program. It's very easy to use and it makes things look great! Try it for free
at Macromedia's site. [
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you come again soon! Feel free to try out any of
the links, although most of them are broken! The reason for this is I've been taking
an HTML class at college and I haven't had the time to finish my WHOLE's a
little too big for me to complete in a semester. ; ) Eventually, all the more
specific areas will be completed rather than just the main things! At least, I HOPE
I'll finish it....
Come Again! 
some fun
Space Dawg
Zac's Zone