Celest's Circle

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I see you have inquired about ME!  Yay...this is what every egoist yearns for!!  <too bad I'm not an egoist...  shucky darn!>  I'll put some more up later...maybe have a better layout too!!


Bald Su.jpg (25475 bytes)
A baby....a bald one at that!

su pe locker.jpg (24647 bytes)
I'm the one on the far left.  Yes, this is a locker room.

Su and Sarah.jpg (40846 bytes)
I'm the white chic ; )  This is from a Sadies dance...I married the
girl behind me!

Soccer Su.jpg (20889 bytes)
From my Freshman soccer

su lea candy dance.jpg (19249 bytes)
I'm in the back, hugging my friends at Homecoming.

su yerrington.jpg (8038 bytes)
I'm such a short goofy chica!